When Kim Jabal, founder of Unity Technologies, attended the Apple IDFA Awards last year, she was surprised to see that she was not on the list of honored speakers. She wondered what could have caused this. After researching the issue, she learned that there are many reasons why you may not be invited to an IDFA event.
Unity Technologies
Unity Technologies has been making waves with its IPO. Its shares rose 30% from its listing price on Friday morning. With an estimated value of nearly $20 billion, it has become one of the biggest tech companies to go public in the past decade.
Unity’s software lets creators create interactive real-time 3D content that can be viewed and played by end users. They can use the platform to collaborate and make updates in real time. In addition, Unity supports virtual reality and augmented reality. Currently, there are more than 20 platforms supported by its software.
Unity has partnered with numerous hardware providers to bring its applications to more platforms. Additionally, it provides ongoing support for its software.
According to its press release, Unity has several product features in the works. For instance, its ad business offers a way to help creators monetize their existing player base. Other products include Artomatix, which helps streamline 3D artistic workflows for the world’s leading studios.
In a recent speech at the National Press Club, Kim Jabal of Apple spoke about the new ad hoc mobile advertising platform and their plans for the future. The company has made a few big announcements of late including the unveiling of their new app store and the release of their first major mobile ad campaign. It may be too soon to predict the full blown app store takeover, but it is clear that Apple is intent on redefining the mobile advertising ecosystem as we know it to be. The mobile advertising juggernaut is not alone in the trenches as Google and Facebook are making a play for the mobile ad market as well. For now, we can only hope the competition can take some of the best practices and lessons learned and apply them to their own products and services. What about Android? That is a question for another day. There is no doubt that the mobile ad market will grow in size, but Apple and its competitors have to keep a close eye on it to prevent it from slipping into the ad free ad pool.
Targeted ads
For a company that’s built around mobile apps, the best way to monetise their content is to get it in front of consumers. A clever ad campaign can earn your mobile team the lion’s share of the ad budget. The most successful mobile app will churn out a hefty chunk of your marketing spend if you’re not careful. One small business that’s done the heavy lifting is Unity Technologies. Their latest flagship product, titled as the neo mobile, offers a suite of ad and mobile solutions spanning content, advertising, and engagement. They are not the only company eying the mobile space. From a competitive shopper perspective, they’re well suited to take on the hulking juggernauts that are the likes of Apple and Samsung. There’s a lot of hype in the mobile space, especially for those with the itch.
Apple’s announcement of a major change to the Identifier for Advertisers (IDFA) is a big deal for advertising businesses. It will limit access to the data of Apple users and will reduce the measurability of marketing.
The move is part of an ongoing trend toward reducing marketers’ access to users’ data. Apple’s decision will impact advertisers, ad networks and other “ad tech” vendors. A few companies are already decrying the move.
Many media dollars depend on IDFA, so the loss of it could have a huge impact on the ad industry. Google, too, has a similar device identifier for Android. However, it hasn’t yet made similar moves on browser cookies.
Until now, users had to opt out of sharing their unique identifier. That option is still available, but the amount of opt outs is extremely low.
While it’s possible that this change will only have a minor impact on advertising businesses, it’s unlikely that Apple will go any further. Rather, they’re strengthening their own fortress.