A rain gun is a micro irrigation device designed to operate by pumping water and sprinkling into the crops in the farm. It works under the pressure of 2.0 to 7.5 kg/cm² and a flow rate of 5 to 31 lps. This makes the pump efficient in irrigation during dry seasons and also for horticultural factors. This has come with advancing technology and due also to rising demand of food in food sector economy.
Selecting the right rain gun sprinkler is crucial for efficient irrigation, particularly in regions with variable weather patterns. Equally important is knowing when to apply lawn weed control to maintain a healthy and weed-free lawn. Proper timing and techniques ensure that your lawn remains lush and green, complementing the benefits of an effective sprinkler system.
Larger area of supply
The machine owing to its design and power of function can shoot water to a larger area with comfort of its function. This makes it easier for the user to irrigate a larger area with minimum devices. The area under irrigation also wets to desirable level. This is done through by the pump fine jet release at the nozzle. Water strikes not only once the surface, but also re-strikes severally hence good function.
Minimum components to operate
The machine is simply packed up with minimum sub-devices for attachment. It is relatively easy to operate and little technical skills are required. This makes it easily economical for every user. The manufacturer’s manual gives enough skills that are simple and direct to follow. This is an added value of the device and does not require a lot of qualifications to handle.
Interchangeable nozzles
The device has some interchangeable nozzles. The nozzles are easily mounted and can carry the desired quantity of job done by the device. Since the nozzle sizes vary, the quantity of the water required to be ejected varies as well. This enables the user to adjust the quantity hence preserving delicate crops to be irrigated. This factor makes the rain gun sprinkler for sale in Kenya desirable.
Distance operated
A suitable distance of 20 meters is the limit beyond which the device operates. This factor makes even the distant crops in reach for irrigation. In doing this, maximum saving of water and less devices per unit area is enhanced. The owner saves a lot, therefore gives a good attribute to the device when it comes to use.
Water preservation
The quantity of water used is regulated efficiently. This is done thoroughly by the small sized nozzles designed for operation. The nozzles do let out water in form of vapour. The vapour form preserves water for use hence economical for the user. The supply is also reserved with regards to uniformity in supply when irrigating. This element makes the task easy to hold.
Adjustable jet bracer
The bracer comes adjustable for the user’s benefit. The bracer itself is mounted in a manner that is easily reached while the machine is functioning. This factor boosts the machine work. There is preservation of the bracer since it is easily adjustable. This boosts its importance level. The user needs less effort to use itand can be used at any desired time.
The machine is extremely excellent in irrigation water pumps and is thus regarded useful for maximum production and yield. Since it is also readily available, one can obtain from the market. This device is recommended for most farming activities requiring advanced support.