In this modern age, you use many products to make your hair beautiful, shiny, and stunning. But you ignore the fact that all these products for our hair are chemical-based. These products contain many intense chemical ingredients, which can easily dissolve essential oils in your scalp. Until you notice the hair damage it’s too late. Hair damage can occur in many forms like hair shedding, hair thinning, and hair fall. When all these unwanted things start to happen, it ultimately impacts your confidence level and your personality. Then you start your desperate search for a solution to all these hair problems.
If you are going through a hair fall issue then you would not be scare to go through the hair transplant surgical procedure. No doubt, hair transplant surgery is expensive, scary, and time-consuming treatment. And unfortunately, most people think that it is the only thing which can save their hair. But there is an alternative to hair transplant surgery and that is Laser Cap. Don’t know about these laser caps then start by reviewing caps, for example, you want capillus82 then start by having look at capillus82 review. Reviewing helps you to buy a good product.
If you simply search for a laser cap for yourself then you will get thousands of search results. Choosing a decent one, from all those thousands of caps is a difficult and complex thing to do. But don’t worry, in this read, we have selected few best laser caps of 2021 and you can select one for yourself from the below list.
1 Illumiflow Hair Regrowth Laser Cap
Illumiflow 272 laser Cap amazing laser cap comes with 272 laser diodes and covers the full scalp. Don’t be scared of the lasers, these are harmless because it is FDA-approved device. You only have to wear this cap like an ordinary baseball cap for 30-minutes three days a week. And both men and women can use this.
It comes with an automatic shutoff feature with an audible beeping after 30-minutes
It has a long warranty of 5-years
It comes with an elastic headband so you can fix your hair neatly
It is expensive
The battery doesn’t last long
2 HairMax RegrowMD Laser Hair Growth Cap
It comes with 272 medical-grade lasers and it covers the entire scalp area, which quite beneficial for hair regrowth. This laser cap has a 90% success rate and increased count of an average of 129 per square inch, which is amazing results. You have to use this cap for 30-minutes, three days a week.
It has advanced beeping timer feature for the safety reasons
It has openings to facilitate the direct flow of light to your hair
Not comfortable for everyone’s head due to the hard cap design
Small-cap size for others
In this read, we have mentioned few best laser caps, from which you can select one for yourself. We tried our best to provide useful information about laser caps in most summarized way possible. If you find this article helpful then kindly share this write-up.