The Sixteenth episode of the first season of the popular action-drama series S.W.A.T. titled “Payback” aired on CBS on February 15th, 2018. The episode revolves around the S.W.A.T. team’s attempt to apprehend a dangerous arms dealer and his crew before they can complete an illegal weapons transaction. In the process, they must also protect the team’s own leader, Hondo, from a vengeful former colleague.
The episode begins with the S.W.A.T. team responding to a call at a warehouse, where they find a group of men in the process of stealing a shipment of weapons. After apprehending the suspects, they discover that the weapons are being sold to a notorious arms dealer, Ramon Estes. The team soon learns that Estes is planning on completing an illegal weapons transaction and must take steps to prevent it from occurring.
Meanwhile, Hondo is contacted by his former colleague, Thomas “TJ” Jackson, who is intent on exacting revenge on Hondo for leaving him behind on a dangerous mission. TJ has been tracking Hondo’s movements and has set up an ambush to take him out.
The S.W.A.T. team follows Estes to a remote location, where they find a meeting between Estes and his crew. After a brief confrontation, the team is able to apprehend Estes and his associates. However, Hondo’s safety is still in jeopardy, as TJ is still determined to take him down.
Hondo and the team are able to locate TJ and a confrontation ensues. After a brief exchange of gunfire, TJ is taken into custody and Hondo is safe. With the threat of Estes’ illegal weapons transaction eliminated, the team is able to turn their attention back to ensuring the safety of their city.
“Payback” is a riveting episode of S.W.A.T. that showcases the team’s strength and resilience in the face of danger. The episode also highlights the importance of teamwork and camaraderie in achieving success. The team’s actions are sure to leave a lasting impression on viewers and will be remembered as a classic episode of S.W.A.T.
Overall, “Payback” is an exciting and action-packed episode of S.W.A.T. that features intense moments of suspense and gripping drama. With the S.W.A.T. team’s determination and courage, they are able to stop an illegal weapons transaction and protect their leader from a vengeful former colleague. The team’s success highlights their commitment to protecting their city and is a testament to their strength and courage.