Shoot fish and get prizes is the top choice of bettors who love games with attractive graphics. Come to Neu88 You can enjoy exploring the colorful ocean world, testing your marksmanship skills with schools of large and small fish.
General information about the fish shooting game for prizes
Fish shooting is a game available at all game portal, attracting players with its beautiful graphics system, simulating the mysterious ocean world. Your task in this game is very simple, which is to control the guns to take down fish and creatures in the sea.
Corresponding to these fish, the house will give you attractive rewards. The bigger the fish and the harder it is to shoot, the higher the reward. You can control the gun at many different levels to take down creatures without wasting too much ammo.
Some terms you need to know when playing fish shooting for prizes
In the fish shooting game you need to master basic terms such as:
- Bonus game: This is an additional reward that the dealer gives you, which can be money or a large amount of bullets.
- Coin Level: This is the number of coins that the player will use in the fish shooting game.
- Wild: It represents the player’s success after completing a certain combination.
- Extra Wild: It means extra, usually you will receive additional bonuses or the game will have new features.
- Expanding Wild: It means expanding, this is one of the features that adds bonuses while the player participates in the game.
- Free Spin: You will get new spins without spending your coins.
- Multiplier: When this word appears, the reward of the winner of the fish shooting game will be doubled.
- Silver Coin: This is the silver coin the player receives after successfully destroying the fish. The bigger the fish, the more silver coins earned timeartup.
- Gold Coin: Gold Coin is the house reward for you after successfully shooting a big fish with just 1 bullet, of course it appears very rarely.
- Boss/Fairy/Shark/Golden Dragon: These are important targets, with very high bonus value, you should not miss in the fish shooting game for rewards.
- Good: This is a compliment to the house if you have good shooting techniques and earn a lot of coins.
- Perfect: You will receive this praise from the dealer if you can kill the fish with just one shot.
- Combo: This term is used when you shoot a large number of fish at a single time.
- X2: The dealer will double the bonus when you successfully hunt fish, so this is a good symbol.
- Treasure: This is the word used for treasure or extremely valuable items. It is similar to Bonus but has much greater value. Overall, this is a positive signal for all players.
The secret to playing fish shooting for prizes has a high winning rate
Each game will have its own secret to win, for the fish shooting game you can apply the following strategies:
Read carefully the game rules and terms in the game
Before entering this game, you need to take the time to carefully read the rules and terms in the game. In particular, you need to clearly understand how to use each type of weapon and how to adjust firepower to use your capital effectively.
In addition, you need to find out what species of fish are in the game, and what rewards correspond to them. So you can adjust the money spent on weapons with the bonuses earned to optimize profits.
Flexibly adjust firepower depending on shooting target
In the fish shooting game, small fish die very quickly, you only need to use bullet levels 1, 2. On the contrary, for large fish, you have to use the largest bullet level to kill them quickly. During the process of shooting fish, you must flexibly adjust the bullet level according to the target instead of keeping a fixed firepower.
Shoot big fish as soon as it appears
Large fish species often have a very long time to die, so you need to shoot the fish as soon as it appears on the table. Of course, with small fish, this is not necessary because they die very quickly.
You should shoot fish swimming in groups
To increase your chances of hitting the target, you can shoot fish swimming in groups. So even if you miss this fish, you will still hit another fish, never wasting your effort in vain. However, usually only small fish swim in groups, while large fish swim individually.
Do not use automatic fish shooting mode
In the fish shooting game for rewards, you will see that the game has an automatic fish shooting mode. However, you should not use this mode because it will cause you to waste more bullets. It is best to shoot manually to adjust the weapon yourself.
Do not shoot bullets continuously
To have bullets to shoot fish, you have to spend your own money, so you should not shoot bullets continuously without any calculation. Instead, you should stalk the fish and aim accurately to ensure you hit every shot, without wasting bullets in vain.
Shooting fish for rewards is an extremely interesting game, suitable for those who have good aiming ability. You should join this game if you want to explore the vast ocean and win attractive rewards.