When you want to keep your tots safe when it’s sunny, it’s natural to reach for a bottle of baby mineral sunscreen. As one of the gentlest ways to protect your kid’s skin, mineral sunscreen is not only non-comedogenic, meaning it won’t block their pores, as well as working immediately the moment it’s applied. However, that’s far from all you can do in terms of sun protection.
You see, keeping your kids safe and happy in hot weather also means keeping them comfortable. We’ve seen some scorching Summers in recent years, so it’s something you have to have a keen eye on as a parent. Let’s take a look at some of the measures you can take.
Baby Mineral Sunscreen is a Great Start
Applying sunscreen every two hours or so to your young children is a great start, but there are other things you can do to increase comfort levels.
- Paddling Pool in the Shade – for tots over 6 months of age, baby mineral sunscreen will keep them UV-protected but won’t make them feel cooler. By running a paddling pool and placing it in the shade, they’ll get to stay nice and cool when all others are perspiring like mad! Just remember that if their sunscreen gets wet, it will need to be reapplied.
- Loose-fitting Clothing – another great way to keep young children cool is by putting loose-fitting clothing on them – ideally garments that offer proven sun protection. However, you don’t need to go spending money, rather, simply make sure the clothes they wear (along with a wide-brimmed sun hat & glasses) are light and tightly woven for the best barrier.
- A Cool Bedtime Bath – moving to the evening now, it’s recommended that after their day in the outdoors, you should run them a cool bath just before bed. This will cool their temperature nicely while also getting them sleepy at the right time of day.
- A Nice, Cool Bedroom – things can get awfully stuffy if you don’t have a home equipped with air conditioning, but you can help to keep them comfortable at night by keeping curtains closed during the day. By also circulating the cool air around the room with a fan, they’ll get the perfect environment and temperature for a good night’s sleep.
- Keep Nightclothes to a Minimum – your little ones can also get hot and bothered at night if they’re wearing too many clothes. Babies tend to sleep best when their room has a temperature of between 16-20 degrees Celsius, so don’t ruin that by over-burdening them with clothes.
Baby Mineral Sunscreen Is Just One Part of Summer Safety
While it is extremely important to provide a UV barrier of some kind for your child’s skin, it’s not the only consideration that needs to be made. Heat can cause as much distress as direct sunlight exposure, so it’s vital that you do everything you can to keep them comfortable during the day and night.
By following the guidance we’ve offered you in this article, you’ll ensure that your child is kept happy and comfortable, no matter how hot it gets outside. Even after 6 months of age, the skin of young children is very vulnerable to sun damage, so it must be focused on for the sake of your child.
Forget about it, and you risk enduring those miserable nights when your little one has scarlet skin, a temperature and lots of tears.