Before you buy a Green Diamond, you must be aware of the differences between a natural and synthetic one. A natural diamond is “skin deep” in color and does not have a distinctive, noticeable hue. A synthetic diamond, on the other hand, is made of chemical compounds that mimic the properties of its natural counterpart. This article will highlight the differences between the two types of diamonds and provide a better understanding of the differences in their value.
Natural-color green diamonds are only “skin deep” in color
While green diamonds are very rare, they are often still worth buying. For that, we would recommend checking the collection at Their name implies, that skin stones only contain a very thin layer of green color.
Natural green diamonds are rare and they are valuable, and their high prices are reflective of their rarity. They have a slightly green hue that is caused by a high-energy atomic particle. The radiation doesn’t penetrate the stone’s whole surface, but only affects the visible part. The color of a green diamond may disappear if the diamond is subjected to slight changes during the faceting process, such as a diamond cut.
There are three types of green diamonds. Some have secondary hues, such as brown, red, and orange. The intensity and clarity of the green diamond’s secondary color affect its value. Green diamonds are evaluated the same way as other diamonds and colored gemstones. The higher the clarity, the higher the price. A green diamond is often difficult to differentiate from pink, blue, or yellow diamond.
Synthetic diamonds are more common
Before 1954, the only sources of diamonds in the world were Golconde alluviums, which are now mined in Congo, Botswana, and South Africa. However, since the 1950s, synthetic diamonds have been created, thanks to color treatment. Synthetic diamonds have the same chemical composition and crystal structure as natural diamonds, and the process produces a stone that closely mimics the green diamond environment. Because of this, evaluating the origin of a green diamond’s color is difficult for gemological laboratories.
Although natural diamonds retain about 50% of their initial value, lab-grown diamonds cannot be resold and lose massive amounts of money. This makes synthetic diamonds more valuable and desirable and makes them much cheaper than their natural counterparts. The price of synthetic diamonds continues to fall, and a diamond purchased today for $1,000 will probably be worth a fraction of that price in two to three years.
In order to maximize the appearance of a green diamond, it must be carefully cut. The surface of a green diamond contains only a small layer of green color. When a diamond is polished, the shape must preserve this color. Sometimes, diamonds are cut with a green color around the girdle, while other times, a little green is preserved in the culet. The amount of color a green diamond contains starts small, so color saturation is very low.
Value of natural green diamonds
Billions of years ago, diamonds were exposed to radioactive minerals. Though diamonds do not become radioactive, exposure to gamma rays knocks out the carbon atoms in the crystal, filling in the holes. Because of this characteristic, natural-color green diamonds must be handled carefully to avoid overheating and damage to the diamond.
Although its nature is still unknown, chameleon diamonds have been studied by GIA laboratories for over a decade. They are type IaA diamonds with a stable green contribution. More than half of these stones were characterized as grayish yellow-green, and only 1% of them had pure green hues. The remaining 83 percent of chameleon diamonds had brown or grayish color components. Despite their uniqueness, chameleon diamonds are smaller than other natural-color green diamonds, weighing less than one carat.